Quarterly or monthly processing of transactions from cashbook or bank statements[2]
Quarterly or Monthly management accounting reports
Two provisional tax submissions
Annual CIPC return[3]
Annual Financial Statements
Annual Income Tax Return
Suitable for small or micro service companies or companies created for rental of property investments, etc. where no client invoicing or payroll is required
Monthly invoicing and customer statements up to R100 000 sales per month
Monthly payroll up to 5 employees
Monthly bookkeeping
Monthly management accounting reports
Monthly PAYE EMP 201 returns
Monthly VAT returns
Monthly supplier remittance
Two provisional tax submissions
Annual CIPC return[3]
Annual financial Statements
Annual PAYE EMP 501 reconciliation
Annual Income Tax Return
Suitable for owner managed companies with one or two permanent staff
Weekly invoicing and monthly customer statements for turnover between R100 001 to R500 000 sales per month
Monthly payroll up to 15 employees
Weekly bookkeeping
Monthly management accounting reports
Monthly PAYE EMP 201 returns
Monthly VAT returns
Monthly supplier remittance
Two provisional tax submissions
Annual CIPC return[3]
Annual financial Statements
Annual PAYE EMP 501 reconciliation
Annual Income Tax Return
Suitable for growing SME companies with steady sales and a small permanent staff
Daily invoicing and monthly customer statements for turnover over R500 000 per month
Monthly payroll of max 50 employees
Daily bookkeeping
Monthly management accounting reports
Monthly PAYE EMP 201 returns
Monthly VAT returns
Monthly supplier remittance
Two provisional tax submissions
Annual CIPC return[3]
Annual financial Statements
Annual PAYE EMP 501 reconciliation
Annual Income Tax Return
Ongoing BEE/ supplier development consulting and DTI scorecard reporting services can be added for an additional R500 per month
Suitable for fast growing or mature SME companies with turnover of above R5 million p.a.
[1] All prices shown are monthly prices valid from 1st Jan 2018. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
[2] Does not include sorting of client's documents.
[3] Does not include CIPC Fee.